Well I thought I would let everyone know, I have taken a major step to losing weight. First let me tell you a little bit about the journey. As you all know I have always fought the food battle and lost. Oh sure, sometimes I would win a little battle here and there but for the most part, I have totally lost. I did Atkins and did really well for a while, losing about 100 pounds. I have bought every pill known to man. I even when to the gym and oh yes, blew out my knee the very first time on the treadmill. Every attempt seemed to be thwarted, always gaining more than I lost. I reached my biggest at 408. Yes I said it, "I'm a tub of lard." It seemed that it was inevitable that I would be fat forever. I even flew down to Las Vegas to try out for the Biggest Loser. I must have been too big because they didn't want me. I started looking into the Gastric Bypass surgery. There were so many risks involved that Rachel said she didn't want me to do it. I was almost resolved to being fat my Whole Life. I had heard about the LAP Band procedure. I started looking into it. I had met
some people that had it done and told me about their experience. All of the people that I talked to about it, said it was the best thing that they could have done. So I looked into it. Made an
appointment with the doctor and started the process. I had to go and see a
nutritionist and learn that Doritos and Cheese
aren't a balanced meal. I had to learn that it was
ok to leave some food on your plate and your kids' plates. I had to learn that eating
shouldn't be a marathon. Its
ok to enjoy your food. Not race it down. I had to go and see a psychologist about the reason I was fat. I had to go through a lot of prep work to have it happen. I even had to loose 30 pounds before the doctor would perform the surgery. He said it is to shrink the liver so that when you do the procedure there wouldn be any complicatons, such as scraping the liver and causing twice the pain.
Now I will explain a little bit about the procedure. The doctor takes a ring that has a bladder on the inside of it. It expands out, causing the hole in the middle of the ring to adjust in size. He puts the ring about an inch and a half from the top of your stomach because that is where the nerves are that tell you that you are full. The ring leaves a small hole that the food can actually trickle down to the rest of the stomach. You can only eat about 2 tablespoons of food. I have to do this about 4 times a day. If I eat any more than 2 tablespoons then I will probally get really sick. I will feel as though I have made my fourth plate at a buffet, but with the inability to throw up. (the muscles to throw up are located at the bottom of the stomach). They tell me I will only try this once because I will be in so much pain until the food actually digests. I have choosen this tool to help me learn the right portions and to learn to slow way down when I eat. I will have to go in periodically and have the ring filled with saline. Because when you loose weight everything shinks. and they will need to keep the ring at a certain diameter. So I went in yesterday and had the operation. I have 5 little holes in my belly. I can tell you that even with just 2 tablespoons I feel very full. I know that some people will judge me for doing this the easy way, but let me tell you its not as easy as it sounds. You still have the cravings. You still have to disipline yourself not to overeat or you will feel the wrath. It was the only way for me. I couldn't exercise because It hurt my knees. I tried eating right but I would eat a lot of it. I made this choice so that I can have a long and healthy life watching my kids grow up and getting to participate in thier lives. instead of just watching it.
If you have any questions please let me know. I like to share my knowlege on the subject and want you to understand why I will be the guy chewing gum at the big family get-together :)
Love Chad
P.S. Rachel here: I was checking the spelling and grammar and thought I would add in my two cents... I am so proud of Chad and his decision to do this. I Love Chad just the way he is. But you all know the cocky, confidant, self-assured Chad that I fell in love with. I am getting more glimpses every day of that guy, as he is making this journey. He is happier and he has hope, something alot of us pray for. This choice was made over a long period of time. We went to the informational meeting back last winter. We feel it is right. Please help me in encouraging Chad and helping him to show on the outside what is so awesome on the inside. thanks Rach